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The model of the Villa Savoye

I wish the model was like a book of architecture.
That everyone could have one for your library or as present to friends, like you give a book.
It is the first of a series dedicated to the great architects of the '900 and their most important works.
Is constructed from resin and plexiglass.
The particular construction technique with molds and resin allows low cost.
The models are solid and sturdy and does not deteriorate over time.
Villa Savoye scale 1:100
Villa Savoye scale 1:200
Our price Euro 260,00 + shipping Our price Euro 160,00 + shipping
+ if plexiglass theca + if plexiglass theca
The model of the Villa Savoye - 1:100 scale.
Theca plexiglass (optional + 24 €)

The model of the Villa Savoye - 1:200 scale.
Theca plexiglass (optional + 18 €)


 [ send us an email for information and ordering ]


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